Even little ones are anxious to learn about the Gospel message. In this workshop we will explore what keeps us from sharing the gospel with preschoolers and younger children and why it is so important for us not to skip over this age group. We will also explore creative age-appropriate activities to use when sharing the gospel message.
Thanks for visiting this page. Recently when I presented this workshop, I got mixed reviews about it. I realized that I need to work on more examples for preschoolers and younger elementary kids. One leader asked me a very important question “How do you know when a child is ready?” I had to admit I hadn’t thought about that for this workshop, I was so invested in giving examples and how to do it, I didn’t include that very important aspect. I will work on both of those and get those posted as I finish them up.
Gospel Wheel_Verses
Videos: Awana Gospel Wheel

Five Fantastic Tools for Sharing the Gospel Video
My friend, Brenda, loved to share the gospel and was absolutely fantastic at it. Brenda devoted her life sharing the gospel with her through her many ministries. I meet her through Awana Clubs International and she definitely left a mark on my heart on how important it is for believers to share the Gospel of Christ. Unfortunately for us she went to her heavenly home several years ago, we all miss her dearly. For her, Brenda is now eternally with God her father, the same God she wanted so many to know about on earth. Before her death she was invited to Awana headquarters and shared her workshop “Five Fantastic Tools for Sharing the Gospel” so that leaders all over could learn how to use these methods.