
Welcome to John 3:16 Kids!  My name is Sandi (and that is actually my son in the profile picture) and I love kids, teaching and sharing the gospel with them.  When my daughter was  starting Kindergarten and my son was in the second grade, I was just stepping into the world of Awana from the role of parent to the role of a leader.  I was excited to begin learning all about the updated Cubbie curriculum.  I mentioned to our Awana missionaries that I would love to help them.  Well, they happily obliged and put me to work as a workshop leader!  For the first time I was teaching brand new curriculum, on an overhead projector, to a roomful of adults.  I had never taught anyone over 6th grade!  I was scared to death, and some how I made it through.  Fast forward about 20 years.  Since then I have taught countless workshops not just for Awana, but also ones for children’s music and vacation Bible school and most recently for the Bay Area Sunday School convention.  I have also attended lot of workshops, and always come away with valuable information to use in my classroom.

I started this blog a few years ago because often leaders come away from conferences with information overload.  Maybe they misplaced their notes, or forgot to take a pictures of an idea, or maybe they just want some more information on a workshop they couldn’t attend.  My desire is that I can create a blog that is useful long after the conference a leader has attended.

Although this blog is currently set up for Awana leaders, this information is valuable for all teachers.  My goal is to add more information for for younger elementary as I can.  In addition, I also want to give my readers the most up-to-date information as I tweak and add to John 3:16 Kids.  Please keep checking back as I redesign this blog to reach more ministry leaders.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have questions or ideas for what you would like to see added to help you share the gospel of Christ to kids in your class, your club or in your neighborhood!

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

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